Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Our Survey Topics for Test-Taking

Below are our survey topics for test-taking of the surveys on Wednesday, Feb. 11th.

INSTRUCTIONS for in-class activity on Wed., Feb. 11th:

We are taking each other's surveys, to make sure everything works!!!

Before you start, open the SURVEY GRADING RUBRIC posted on livetext in the "evaluation" section. You will fill it in, and email it to your peers whose surveys you are taking. You will assign the student a final grade for his/her survey.

1) Each student has to test-take the three surveys following his or her name on the list below. The last student on the list skips to the first three names from the list!

(If you don't finish in class, test-take them from home. Deadline for test-taking and comment emails to peers and me is Wednesday, Feb. 11th, at midnight, because the survey authors need at least one day to fix their surveys which are due Friday, Feb. 13th.)

2) When you test-take your peers' surveys, take a piece of paper and write comments on it (which bullets make no sense, which "default section" headline was not changed to a meaningful title, which words were misspelled, which question should be re-formulated, which additional options should be added, whether it was customer-friendly, etc.), and then email these comments to the author of the survey you took. You all know each other's email addresses ;-)

3) Email your three "comment emails" to me as cc, for credit!

4) DEADLINE for our audiences to take our surveys is Monday, February 23rd, at 10:00 a.m. Type it into our header.

5) As soon as you have received your 3 peer-feedback emails with the comments, go ahead and repair your survey accordingly! The repaired survey version is due on Friday, Feb. 13th, for grading by me.

EMAIL me the link of your final (repaired) survey. CAREFUL: it is NOT the link you see in the "menu list" on your screen (this one leads only to the login page).

Here is the path how to create the link:

go to "My Survey" --> go to "Collect" --> put the bullet in "Create a link to send in your own email message or to place on a webpage --> click on "Next Step" --> copy the URL you see under "Sending Survey Link in an Email" --> put this URL in an email you send to me on Friday, Feb. 13th!

If you want to see how I am grading the surveys, go to "Evaluations" in our livetext profile, and look at the "Survey Grading Rubric."

EXTRA CREDIT OPPORTUNITY for people who missed more than three (allowed) classes unexcused: You can make up ONE day in the past by test-taking THREE additional surveys. In this case, proceed as above, just pick any three surveys you'd like to take (email your peers and me your comment email and grading rubric, but WRITE IN THE EMAIL TO ME: MAKE-UP for.... (and the day for which you are making up)!!!

You can make up for as MANY missed blog COMMENTS as you want by taking an additional survey for each!!! Proceed as above; email the authors and me (as cc) your grading rubrics and comments, and write in the email, "make-up for.... and the topic of your missed blog comment."


1. Nadia Aldroubi: Ebonics in the Workplace

2. Jacqueline Bessette: The Effect of Computers on College Grammar

3. Jennifer Bond: Internet Lingo

4. Monica Brennan: Ebonics and Prejudice

5. Megan Caraballo: Ebonics

6. Adam Chadderton: Internet Lingo

7. Sara Childers: Gender & Grammar

8. Emilie Collier: Autism

9. Jason DeBoer: Text Messaging and its Effect on Grammar

10. Edward Dover: Autism

11. Lauryn Fisherkeller: The Effectiveness of ENG101

12. Jeremy Garrett: Ebonics

13. Diana Howell: The Importance of Teaching Different Learning Styles to Autistic People

14. Romona Jackson: AAE

15. Julia Longueville: English Teachers in SI & Grammar

16. Nathan Maul: Correctness of Grammar vs. Level of Education

17. Lara NP: Internet Slang

18. Henry Phillips: Is AAE a Real Language?

19. Jermaine Pryor: Ebonics

20. Casey Shepard: Ebonics & Slang

21. Daniel Sokolowski: The Effects of Texting Slang on English Language


You are NOT sending your surveys out yet!!!!!!

We are taking them in class first, then I'll grade them, then we'll compose an introductory letter, and only when you have MY WRITTEN APPROVAL you can email them out to a list of at least 20 people!!!!!!!!!

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